Chapter 5: Commitment

Chapter 5:


Discussion Questions

Chapter 5 delves into the theme of commitment, using the author's personal experiences and reflections to explore the significance of steadfast dedication in various aspects of life.

Beginning with a reflection on his thirty-fifth wedding anniversary and drawing parallels to his parents' long-lasting marriage, the author emphasizes the importance of commitment in relationships. He highlights the choice individuals must make to honor their commitments, especially in challenging circumstances.

Through a series of poignant scenarios and anecdotes from his time as an emergency services chaplain, the author illustrates the profound impact of commitment in navigating tragedy and loss. He emphasizes the role of faith and hope in sustaining individuals during times of adversity, citing examples of unwavering commitment in the face of unimaginable grief.

The chapter concludes with a reflection on the inevitability of saying goodbye and the importance of remaining committed to one's beliefs and values. Drawing inspiration from the Apostle Paul's words, the author encourages readers to stay steadfast in their commitments and echoes the sentiment of enduring faith and perseverance.

Overall, Chapter 5 underscores the transformative power of commitment in personal relationships, faith, and facing life's challenges, urging readers to embrace the journey of commitment with unwavering resolve.

Discussion Questions

Chapter 5 Discussion Questions For:

Relational Leadership Essentials

Student's Discussion Questions

Discipline requires being committed to the commitment and commitment is a choice. How will you choose to be committed to the commitment on a daily basis?

What are you committed to?

Are these commitments healthy for your spiritual growth?

Leader's Discussion Questions

What are your commitments?

How can you be committed to the commitment in your area of leadership?

What disciplines could you put into place that would help you stay committed?

Relational Leadership Essentials
Relational Leadership Essentials

Parent's Discussion Questions

How can you model a committed life for your children to learn from you?

What distractions do you need to get rid of so you can focus on your commitment?

What does it look like to be committed to your children?

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