Chapter 7: Purity

Chapter 7:


Discussion Questions

Chapter 7 focuses on the theme of purity, exploring its significance in the life of a believer and the challenges associated with maintaining it in a world filled with temptation.

The chapter begins with a personal reflection on the author's encounter with pornography as a teenager, highlighting the pervasive nature of sexual sin and its potential to disrupt one's life. The author acknowledges the universal struggle with sin and emphasizes the importance of admitting, confessing, and repenting of one's struggles to find freedom.

Drawing from biblical teachings and contemporary observations, the author discusses the prevalence of sexual immorality in society and the need for believers to pursue purity in body, mind, and spirit. He warns against the dangers of pornography and sexual perversion, urging readers to resist temptation and seek accountability.

The chapter also addresses the Pharisaical spirit of judgment and comparison, emphasizing the equality of sin in the eyes of God and the need for humility in addressing one's own shortcomings. Through personal anecdotes and scriptural references, the author underscores the transformative power of genuine repentance and the pursuit of holiness.

In conclusion, Chapter 7 encourages readers to confront their struggles with sin, seek accountability, and pursue a life of purity as disciples of Christ. It emphasizes the ongoing commitment required to resist temptation and live in accordance with God's standards.

Discussion Questions

Chapter 7 Discussion Questions For:

Relational Leadership Essentials

Student's Discussion Questions

What are some methods that you can put into practice that will help you overcome evil before evil overcomes you?

What does it mean for purity to be a posture rather than a destination?

If addiction is present in your life, what are some steps that you can take in order to walk in freedom?

Have you found that temptation comes most often before or after a big win? How will you keep your guard up in the future when temptation comes?

Living a life of purity requires the willingness to sacrifice self-indulgence and to commit to holiness. What does it mean to live in holiness? Is holiness based upon our heart posture or our actions? Or both?

Leader's Discussion Questions

How can you walk in a posture of purity while in leadership?

Temptation often comes before or after a big win. What precautions will you put into place to resist temptation?

How can you help lead others to believe that purity is a posture rather than a destination?

Relational Leadership Essentials
Relational Leadership Essentials

Parent's Discussion Questions

As a parent, purity must be a conversation piece that you are willing to talk through with your family. How do you think you can begin the conversation and what are some scriptures to help you remain biblically grounded?

As a parent, how do you maintain a posture of purity?

How can you model a posture of purity for you children?

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